Poke Bowl Recipe. All Variations
Poke Bowl
Poke bowl is your chance to mix and match all your favorite ingredients and get an exciting and super nutritious meal each time. All your favorite umami flavors in a bowl!
“Have you ever…

Soy Protein Dishes. Ideas and Recipes
Soy Protein
Lately I have been tinkering with this protein, to fantastic results.
Please do not find me too reverse chic here (I know my old hippie ways are always lurking and get summoned up on a dime). It’s just that I like to cash…

Potato Latkas. All Variations + Kugel. Frying Tips
Potato Latkas
There is no Chanukah without Latkas. We all seem to have something in common. We love fried foods, But we dread the caloric price we must pay. This is why I am including this comprehensive chapter on frying tips: I want to…

Roasted Beef and Vegetables Recipe
Roasted Beef and Vegetables
I was delighted with people results. Gluten-free without even trying!
Good Moroccan Food lover that I am, my dinners quite often consist of tajines, where I put every single ingredient in a single wide pot,…

Canned Salmon Burgers with Cocktail Sauce Recipe
Canned Salmon Burgers
Why canned salmon, you might ask? It’s not as if we were running out of fresh salmon anytime soon! At least I hope and pray we don’t.
As you know I am very devoted to the whole happy family of burgers, “cakes”,…

Kani Kale Corn Salad Recipe
Kani Kale Corn Salad
Kani Kale Corn. Don’t you love the alliteration? This salad is one of the most exciting celebrations of glorious summer foods, starring fresh corn. Please do not substitue frozen, or worse, canned corn,…

Applesauce Cake Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly
Applesauce Cake
This is one of the most deceptively simple cake recipes you will come across. Applesauce cake sounds so demure and so homey you might expect the wonderful end result. It is much more exciting and more elegant than…

Pasta Puttanesca Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly
Pasta Puttanesca
What’s with the risqué name? How can I describe politely the inspiration for this dish’s name? OK. You know what, I will give the job to Wikipedia. I quote:
“Because "puttana" means roughly "whore" or "prostitute"…

Chickpea Ice Cream Recipe. Vegan. All Variations
Chickpea Ice Cream
I am mighty proud of my results. I have been trying for quite sometime, tinkering with improbable ingredients. The flavors are awesome, and the texture, although still a very advanced work in progress, are very promising.

Nut Seed Bread Recipe. All Variations. Gluten Free
Nut Seed Bread
We all go through stages of our lives when we must tweak our carb intake. Yes, you have guessed it: it is that time of life for me to use my carb allowance…

Braised Red Cabbage and Apples Recipe
Braised Red Cabbage
I feel like I could write a respectable size little cookbook on all the recipes I am constantly developing with cabbage. Red or white cabbage.
Cabbage and Apples
What a match! It’s great not only in this braised…

White Vegetable Soup Recipe. Vegan
White Vegetable Soup
Amazing white autumn vegetable soup lineup, and perfectly seasonal.
Each flavor and texture plays off and complements one another. Of course you can skip one of the vegetables and double up on another. You can tweak…