Canned Salmon Burgers
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Canned Salmon Burgers with Cocktail Sauce Recipe

Canned Salmon Burgers Why canned salmon, you might ask? It’s not as if we were running out of fresh salmon anytime soon! At least I hope and pray we don’t. As you know I am very devoted to the whole happy family of burgers, “cakes”,…
Black bean burgers
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Black Bean Burgers Recipe. Vegan-Friendly. GF

Black Bean Burgers Mine are delicious, Vegan-Friendly AND Gluten-Free! If you are carb-conscious, you'll be happy to know my BBB are so satisfying, nourishing and filling you will enjoy them even sans bun, so as not to pile on too many…
father's day
Vegetarian burgers
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Vegetarian Burgers Recipes. Fish/Meat Variations

Vegetarian Burgers Vegetarian burgers are wonderful and super easy to put together. A complete-meal cousin of the Big Happy Latkas Family.  Just as you can make latkas with virtually any vegetable (and fruit), so can you make burgers with…
Soy protein Burgers Hamburgers
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Hamburgers Recipe. All Toppings

Hamburgers They are a perennial favorite. You can make your own hamburgers, right at home, in minutes. Please don't get impatient! There is simply no recipe for delicious and healthy hamburgers. Boom. Boom. Done. But there sure are lots…