Beef Bourguignon
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Roasted Beef and Vegetables Recipe

Roasted Beef and Vegetables I was delighted with people results. Gluten-free without even trying! Good Moroccan Food lover that I am, my dinners quite often consist of tajines, where I put every single ingredient in a single wide pot,…
Artichoke salad
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Artichoke Salad Sun-Dried Tomatoes Olives Recipe.

Artichoke Salad This dish was just born yesterday. I tried it on a large group we hosted last night. If the way it was demolished is any indication, then I conclude it is fantastic. Well worth sharing with all of you! Artichoke Salad: much…
Vegetable stir fry
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Vegetable Stir Fry Recipe. Meat and Chicken Variations

Vegetable Stir Fry The Perfect Dinner! All variations are included You don't need to wait until Meatless Monday to enjoy it. It is quite a substantial one-dish main course any time. You could swear you're having a steak dinner: It's…
cauliflower brussels sprouts salad
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Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Salad Recipe

Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Salad The perfect hearty winter salad, easily tweaked into main course with a few simple additions, and starring a few distinguished members of the cabbage family. The humble cauliflower has moved up in the word! There…
Tofu baby bokchoy portobello saute
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Tofu Baby Bokchoy Portobello Saute Recipe

Tofu baby bokchoy portobello saute I was in a hardcore vegan mood when I whipped up this dish. It came out so fabulous I decided to commit it to blog memory. A perfect complete vegan and gluten-free meal. Your large skillet will be your best…
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Caprese Salad Recipe. Main Course Variations

Caprese Salad   This delightful salad heralds spring as surely and as exuberantly as Forsythia and Daffodils We all love its intoxicating fragrances and bright Italian Red-White-and-Green Flag colors. In spring and summer the…
potato tajine
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Moroccan Potato Tajine Recipe. All Variations

Potato Tajine is Sephardi food at its simplest and most fragrant. Straight from the Moroccan kitchen of my childhood. Potato Tajine is ridiculously simple: Easy ingredients, easy maintenance. I have included several variations of this potato…
black bean corn
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Seared Tuna with Black Bean Corn Salsa Recipe

Black bean corn salsa is dignified enough to provide a beautiful and nutritious bed for the seared tuna. Cash in on the great abundance of summer corn and tomatoes. Fresh corn please, it will make the whole difference and it is a snap to prepare. Make…