Broccoli Waldorf Salad
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Broccoli Waldorf Salad Recipe

Broccoli Waldorf SaladConsider it the super nutritious cousin of Waldorf Salad. Gluten-Free without even trying!It shares a couple trademarks with Waldorf Salad ...
Artichoke salad
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Artichoke Salad Sun-Dried Tomatoes Olives Recipe.

Artichoke Salad This dish was just born yesterday. I tried it on a large group we hosted last night. If the way it was demolished is any indication, then I conclude it is fantastic. Well worth sharing with all of you! Artichoke Salad: much…
Eggplant Shakshuka
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Mushroom Eggplant Shakshuka Recipe

Eggplant Shakshuka? Yes, you heard that right! I was on a kick for all things Israeli the whole past week, so it is no wonder that all the dishes I developed recently were Israeli or Israeli-inspired. The starting point for Shakshuka is…
beet salad
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Beet Salad with all the Fixin’s Recipe

Beet Salad with All the Fixins'   Everyone celebrate autumn (okay, winter) in the way that makes them most happy, cozy and comfortable. Since we are huge salad eaters at home, our seasonal celebrations most often gravitate around…
watermelon salad
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Minted Watermelon Salad Recipe

Watermelon Salad with Feta and Tomatoes: Huh? Does this salad combo sound wacky enough for you? I admit this watermelon salad is quite a stretch from the way watermelon is usually enjoyed: only one small good problem— watermelon salad is fabulous,…
fish rolls
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Fish Rolls Mushroom-Stuffed Recipe

Fish rolls are beautiful enough to use as main course. The mushroom stuffing takes only a few minutes to make and freezes very well, so you might consider doubling the amounts and freezing the unused part for another meal. It will be suitable…