My Youngest and Cutest Fan: My Muffins are Working:-)
Is she my cutest fan or what? How young - and how adorable - can a fan of my desserts be? All the way from the Holy Land. Take a look: accompanied by the loveliest note written by Mommy, which I am sharing below: What Nachas!
Most important…

Latkas Worldwide Recipes!

Hurricane Sandy: Bunking in Style
Hurricane Sandy!
We always tell ourselves, as soon as we can set aside a couple days, we will put order in those photo albums, match - or dispose of - those missing socks, write our friends, make play dates. Like so many others, I have finally…

French Language: French Speaking Friends Only!
French Language: dreamy but complicated
And like every language, it borrows from the animal kingdom to describe actions, feelings and character traits: shrewd as a weasle, foxy lady, stubborn as a mule, gay as a pinson, sing like a canary,…

Levana Cooking Demos: the Portable Feast!
Never Too Young (or Too Old) to Cook!
Levana Cooking Demos Going Strong
Dear friends,
For the past thirty years I have been fortunate to host weekly cooking demos, at the 92nd Street Y, at Lincoln Square and in my very home. We've had…

Levana ECookbooks: Gone Digital!
Order Levana ECookbooks for just $4.99 a copy!
Levana ECookbooks are the perfect gift to yourself and your friends, at a nominal price. And all those of you who own my hard copy Cookbooks will greatly welcome my ECookbooks, identical to the…

Summer Camp: A Big Happy Kid!
Summer Camp
Having fun with the kids! Me and my scrunchies: This is the new word I learned. I made one for each kid and each counselor, and gave them out on end of camp party night. Don't I look like Mr T here? I was the biggest kid, and…

Salade Niçoise Recipe. Honoring Julia Child
Salade Niçoise
In Honor of Julia Child JC100 Anniversary:
Salade Niçoise is one of my all-time favorite salads, especially when made with fresh, not canned, tuna.
I was honored to write a review of Julia Child's biography, Dearie,…

The Art of the Hand Written Letter Revived
I just received a Hand Written Letter! It gave me quite a thrill. Forgive me for doing a double take when I checked my mail today. I thought the art form had been extinct since the advent of electronic mail, better known as e-mail. My dear friend…

My Demo at De Gustibus Last Week!
De Gustibus: Pleasure seeing your crew and cooking with you again!
An All-Moroccan Feast: Yum! As delicious as it was easy, and of course all natural, all excerpted from my new cookbook, The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen: Judge for yourself from…

Trader Joe Chocolate Chips Going Dairy. A Gastronomic Uproar
Trader Joe chocolate chips are an age old institution.
But this week they are at the center of a total uproar: They are going DAIRY! More exactly, they are going to be made in dairy equipment from now on.
To name just one example, here's…

Thought I’d Share this Rave Review of my Chocolate Demo with You!
From Sharon, one of our chocolate demo guests last night: This lovely comment makes my day! And I'll bet it will make all chocolate lovers' tongues smile! So: Are You getting yourself a hammer for your kitchen?
Levana, I went to last night’s…