Asian Vegetable Pancakes Recipe
Asian Vegetable Pancake
Asian Vegetable Pancakes are not just delicious and crunchy. They are also super nutritious and very easy to make They are a marvel of umami flavors, both in the pancake and the dipping sauce.
They are technically…

Braised Red Cabbage and Apples Recipe
Braised Red Cabbage
I feel like I could write a respectable size little cookbook on all the recipes I am constantly developing with cabbage. Red or white cabbage.
Cabbage and Apples
What a match! It’s great not only in this braised…

White Vegetable Soup Recipe. Vegan
White Vegetable Soup
Amazing white autumn vegetable soup lineup, and perfectly seasonal.
Each flavor and texture plays off and complements one another. Of course you can skip one of the vegetables and double up on another. You can tweak…

Kimchi Latkas Recipe. Kimchi Tempeh Latkas Variation. GF friendly
Kimchi Latkas!
At first I hadn't meant that as a recipe. I was just fooling around with a jar of kimchi I bought at a kosher supermarket. This being Chanukkah week, I thought, what better time to try a kimchi latka recipe, and add it to…

Vegetable Stir Fry Recipe. Meat and Chicken Variations
Vegetable Stir Fry
The Perfect Dinner! All variations are included
You don't need to wait until Meatless Monday to enjoy it. It is quite a substantial one-dish main course any time. You could swear you're having a steak dinner: It's…

Beet Salad with all the Fixin’s Recipe
Beet Salad with All the Fixins'
Everyone celebrate autumn (okay, winter) in the way that makes them most happy, cozy and comfortable. Since we are huge salad eaters at home, our seasonal celebrations most often gravitate around…

French Choucroute Garnie Recipe. Gluten-Free
It is the national sauerkraut-centered Alsatian dish, a huge favorite in bistros and at tables devoted to traditional European Cuisine. As rustic and autumnal as food comes. It straddles French and German Cuisine frontiers,…

Pasta Bolognese Recipe. Cabbage Noodles Variation
Pasta Bolognese
The lazy-but-health-minded cook's gastronomic dream actualized.
Deconstructed Pasta and Meatballs. To parody Mark Twain, Pasta Bolognese and Sloppy Joe are nothing but spaghetti and meatballs with a college education. You…

Red Cabbage Salad with Pomegranate and Herbs Recipe
Red Cabbage Salad
Love love love red cabbage. There's nothing I don't do with it; to name just a few of my red cabbage treats: kim chi; swiss chard and sausage; health salad, beet red cabbage salad with all the fixings.
Food Processor

Healthy Father’s Day Menu and Recipes

Blue Cheese Cabbage Strudel Recipe
Cabbage strudel is deceptively plebeian
Paired as it is here with blue cheese, it is actually quite luxurious. Great choice of a hors d'oeuvre or first course. If you would rather not make the cabbage Strudel dairy, it is OK to skip the blue…

Cabbage, Cucumber and Jicama Slaw Recipe
Jicama Slaw? Oh gosh look what happened to Cole Slaw!
How did Jicama wriggle its way in there? But come to think of it, why not? There could be so many lovely variations on the "slaw" theme, where grated cabbage, as well as a pale color and…