Mushroom Barley soup
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Mushroom Barley Soup Recipe. Vegan or Meat

Mushroom Barley Soup Here comes the hearty and wonderful classic! I love barley so much. Take a look at my Jazzed Up Cholent Soup, with Black Barley, or my couscous recipe, using barley couscous  Attention Gluten-Free Friends Mushroom…
red cabbage salad
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Red Cabbage Salad with Pomegranate and Herbs Recipe

Red Cabbage Salad Love love love red cabbage.  There's nothing I don't do with it; to name just a few of my red cabbage treats: kim chi;  swiss chard and sausage; health salad, beet red cabbage salad with all the fixings. Food Processor I…
poached salmon
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Cold Poached Salmon with Horseradish Dill Sauce Recipe

Cold Poached Salmon sounds like the tired workhorse of your familiar fish repertoire. But poached salmon is a huge crowd pleaser. You will be happy to have a flawless poached salmon that “poaches” in the oven. No fuss, no mess, and all…
flavored butter
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Homemade Flavored Butter Recipes. Sweet and Savory

What is inspiring me to post about Flavored Butter Recipes is a wonderful event I attended with my daughter yesterday, the Bikkur Cholim Crown Heights Annual Brunch. The talented ladies in charge put out a wonderful spread, and I heard lots…
savory scones
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Roquefort Hazelnut Savory Scones Recipe

These savory scones are the classical Brunch favorite taken to a new level. The pairing of roquefort and hazelnuts in these scones is a real knockout. A luxurious treat whipped up at the drop of a hat, like all scones. I am mighty proud of…
cottage cheese salad
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Cottage Cheese Salad Recipe

Cottage Cheese Salad I just had me a little cottage cheese salad party! My granddaughter and I demolished a whole bowl of it this past shabbos. Just in case cottage cheese eaten alone sounds too plain, here's how to jazz it up! Yes it…
Corn Salad
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Corn Salad Recipe with Dill

Corn Salad An almost-constant staple at my table Especially in the summer when the corn is so sweet and tender I use it raw. It works perfectly as a salad and as a side dish. Out of season, I use second-best frozen corn It looks like…
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Cheddar Dill Scones Recipe

Cheddar Dill Scones will be your new breakfast fav! I guarantee it! Whipped up in minutes, ethereally light, and delicious enough to serve for brunch or a light lunch. Dill and cheddar are natural partners. I beg you please use freshly grated…
roasted garlic
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Pasta with Roasted Garlic Dill Sauce Recipe

Roasted Garlic lovers: We are talking about you! Delicious, and a snap to make! You could easily make this dish gluten-free: Rice or buckwheat noodles will taste just as delicious: that's what I use, and not only because I like to limit my…