Moroccan Beef-Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Orange Sauce
This Moroccan favorite is a wonderful way to cook Chicken Breasts.
Cooking the chicken Breasts on a stovetop makes them ideally moist and tender. These chicken breasts are elegant enough even for a very festive occasion. This is a perfect…

Baklava Recipe. Fillo Tips
Although it likely originated in Greece or Turkey, all Mediterranean cultures have adopted it and tweaked it to their own tastes.
Baklava is a Mediterranean confection that sounds really decadent, loaded as it is with honey and…

Moroccan Shortbread Cookies Recipe. Ghriba
Shortbread Cookies: Ghriba
Ghriba is the delightful Moroccan Shortbread Cookie we grew up with. It is Vegan without even trying! Ghriba is beyond simple to prepare, in fact I've always had a no-fail mnemonic formula for the ridiculously…

Moroccan Almond Fillo Pastries Recipe
Fillo Pastries
They are a staple in our Moroccan Pastry repertoire.
There is no Moroccan Dessert display without fillo pastries, first cousins of Baklava. Although I am showcasing the glorious almond in the filling of these Fillo Pastries,…

Tehina Chocolate Spread Recipe. All Nut Variations
Tehina Chocolate Spread
In this amazing Trehina Chocolate Spread, sesame paste, or Tehina, costars beautifully with chocolate. Sort of a new age Nutella, only much less sweet and much healthier!
1-2-3 Recipe: 3 ingredients total!

Raw Chia, Flax and Almond Pudding. All Variations
With this delightful raw almond pudding I am proudly expanding my Low Carb Treat Repertoire My almond pudding is my brand new star. This new dessert is the result of much tinkering, not only in honor of some severely sugar-restricted friends…

Low Carb Dessert: Pumpkin Almond Torte Recipe
Low carb dessert recipes are very dear to me.
And this pumpkin almond cranberry torte is a real winner.
Talk about what you should bring them for Thanksgiving! So you see, you can have your cake and eat it too. Recently I made a diabetic…

Low Carb Pancakes and Breads Recipes. Gluten-Free
The Low Carb Pancakes challenge is: no grain flour and no sugar.
But just as it is true that if life sends you lemons, you make lemonade, so too, if life withholds carbs, you make no or low carb pancakes and other goodies, period. Smile please.…

Blueberry Cake with Almond Streusel Recipe
Blueberry Cake
You just say the word, and I wax lyrical.
Blueberries can do no wrong! All of my friends who used to summer with us in the mountains think of me fondly each time they make this blueberry cake. I can’t remember how…

Argan Oil Almond, Honey Spread Amlou Recipe
Argan oil is one of our pride and joys
It is that extraordinary oil that is obtained only in one spot in the world: Morocco. And not just anywhere in Morocco, but only on the argan trees. Learn all about the somewhat scatological trivia its…

Rice Dried Fruit Chicken Tajine Recipe
Rice Chicken Dried Fruit Tajine
This dish gloriously showcases our Moroccan Cuisine.
Sephardis are great fans of dried fruit in their dishes. This wonderful Rice Dry Fruit Chicken Tajine will easily explain why. Here's one more! You…

Chocolate Hazelnut Dacquoise Recipe
Dacquoise is that dreamy French classic!
It is made up of alternating layers of meringue and fillings. I have made the fillings much lighter, healthier and much simpler to make, but no less delicious, with the help of my staunch ally tofu:…