Summer Feast. Menu and Recipes
Summer Feast
I can finally come up for air after my granddaughter’s magical wedding.

Tehina Chocolate Spread Recipe. All Nut Variations
Tehina Chocolate Spread
In this amazing Chocolate Spread, sesame paste, or Tehina, costars beautifully with chocolate. Sort of a new age Nutella, only much less sweet and much healthier!
1-2-3 Recipe: 3 ingredients total!
How delicious…

Meatless Dinners. Four Wonderful Complete Menus
Meatless Dinners
They are no hardship whatsoever to me. And this holds for the Nine Days as well as year around.

Chocolate Truffles Recipe. All Variations
Chocolate Truffles
They are nothing but troublesome have around (of course you already knew that!) but they are a snap to make. Plus vegan, luxurious, luscious.
I am including all variations. The raspberry truffles are gorgeous. I would…