Mixed Seed Bark Recipe. Cookies Variation
Mixed Seed Bark
If you are, as am I, surrounded with allergy-challenged family members and friends, you become very creative and use seeds. Yes, seeds. This recipe gives equal time to all seeds: Flax, chia, hemp, sunflower seeds, pumpkin…

Spicy Honey Cookies Recipe. Variations
Honey Cookies!
Honey honey honey. That's what first comes to mind just before Rosh Hashanah. You know my mean honey cake, right? Honey cookies have just joined my happy honey family. They are seriously amazing.
I use chai in my honey cookies

Vegan Magic Cookies Recipe. All Variations
Magic Cookies!
Two deliciously loaded words! Breakfast could be just a few minutes away, just because they are the perfect breakfast cookies! This is why we see them so often on breakfast menu: They are 100% nutritionally correct, so they totally…

Moroccan Shortbread Cookies Recipe. Ghriba
Shortbread Cookies: Ghriba
Ghriba is the delightful Moroccan Shortbread Cookie we grew up with. It is Vegan without even trying! Ghriba is beyond simple to prepare, in fact I've always had a no-fail mnemonic formula for the ridiculously…

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe with All the Fixin’s!
Oatmeal Cookies
My all-time favorite! I am obsessed with oats, and jump on every chance to use them, both in sweet and savory recipes. Take a look at my steel-cut oat soup, and at my Oats Pots de Creme, to take but two glowing examples.

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Recipe. All Adaptations
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies: Hide them well!
My recipe is directly inspired from my original "mother" oatmeal cookie recipe, which I developed for my latest cookbook: This is just one of the many variations I have included.
I'm a total…