Vegetarian Couscous Recipe. Meat and Poultry Variations.
Vegetarian Couscous is wonderful and fun
And Couscous is the rock star of Moroccan cuisine.
You can make couscous with many exciting vegetable combinations. Here are just two other combos for you, all delicious: Summer vegetable couscous
Plum Tart Recipe. Apple Tart Variation
For this beautiful plum tart, I have my mother to thank.
She provided the inspiration. Another wonderful thing is, my plum tart wears another hat: its close cousin, Apple tart: one and the same recipe.
When it comes to baking (and cooking)…
Asparagus Soup Recipe. Hot or Cold
Asparagus Soup
Mine has a lot going for it! This exciting vegetable lineup guarantees me a wonderful soup: Asparagus, zucchini, celery root, leeks, tarragon: How can you miss?
No Need to Make Stock for Asparagus Soup!
All my soup fans…
Kimchi Recipe. Regular Mixed Pickles Variation
They are a probiotic nutritional treasure, in addition to being a delicious low calorie treat, and are a snap to make. A Korean staple. From salads to sandwiches, or by themselves as a super healthy snack. I even make Kimchi Latkas!…
Yemenite Soup with Beef Recipe. Gluten-Free
Yemenite Soup
This is a meal onto itself. It is also a wonderful comfort food. Vegetables, meat, spices, it's all there. All you need with Yemenite Soup to round out the meal is some hunks of good dunking bread and salad. Perfect expat…
Chinese Meatloaf Recipe. All-American Variation
Chinese meatloaf is the easiest and tastiest ever!
This Chinese meatloaf is extended by several vegetables—so you end up with a leaner and lighter meat loaf—and the potato flakes make it particularly smooth.
Children love it! It will…
Mock Crab Cakes with Red Pepper Coulis Recipe
Mock Crab Cakes
This treat is a staple at my house.
Crab cakes and other seafood goodies were always verboten in the world of kosher dining as well as that of all diners who frown at eating seafood.
Mock Crab and Mock Shrimp
Risotto Recipe. Arborio and all Variations
Risotto is our high-maintenance kitchen friend:
It demands constant attention because the liquids is added in stages. The good news, though, risotto is very versatile and can easily make a complete meal; besides, the cooking doesn’t take…
Anise and Sesame Galettes Recipe
Galettes: My sister Lea's are the best
Even my mother agrees! And that is saying a lot.
Galettes are a staple at my house in Morocco, and still are at my mother's house, where all children clamor for them, calling them Maman Biscuit (they…
Ratatouille Recipe. French Style, and Moroccan Style
Ratatouille is not just the delightful movie!
I don't think Julia Child would object to a little tweaking of the French Classic Ratatouille, taken in a Moroccan direction. Besides, all things Eggplant are a huge favorite in North African and…
Hamburgers Recipe. All Toppings
They are a perennial favorite. You can make your own hamburgers, right at home, in minutes. Please don't get impatient! There is simply no recipe for delicious and healthy hamburgers. Boom. Boom. Done. But there sure are lots…
Beer Baked Beans Recipe
Baked beans are a huge crowd pleaser!
They get invited, with our buddies, to just about every barbecue and ball game.
When my son Yakov was a little schoolboy, he would always gush about Eagle Day Camp baked beans. You must get the camp's…