Broccoli Waldorf Salad Recipe
Broccoli Waldorf SaladConsider it the super nutritious cousin of Waldorf Salad. Gluten-Free without even trying!It shares a couple trademarks with Waldorf Salad ...

Braised Red Cabbage and Apples Recipe
Braised Red Cabbage
I feel like I could write a respectable size little cookbook on all the recipes I am constantly developing with cabbage. Red or white cabbage.
Cabbage and Apples
What a match! It’s great not only in this braised…

Steel Cut Oat Muesli with Apple Raisins Recipe
Muesli can be dressed up and down
Strictly speaking, muesli starts out with soaked oats, and is enriched with the addition of nuts, apples and dried fruit. I like to make it fully cooked, and eat it warm or at room temperature. A Breakfast…

Beet Salad with all the Fixin’s Recipe
Beet Salad with All the Fixins'
Everyone celebrate autumn (okay, winter) in the way that makes them most happy, cozy and comfortable. Since we are huge salad eaters at home, our seasonal celebrations most often gravitate around…

Chicken Granny Smith Apples Recipe
Chicken Granny Smith Apples
Granny smith apple is the star of this rustic and delicious Classic French dish.
You will love the crunch and tang of granny smith apples, and the great pairing with chicken! Be sure to use (green) granny smith…

Apple Strudel Recipe
Apple Strudel is a great Eastern European Dessert Favorite.
Store-bought Fillo dough is quite an acceptable substitute for the labor-intensive homemade Fillo sheets, and makes Strudel a snap to make. Strudel is quite versatile, and you make…

Gluten-Free Muffins. All Variations
Making good gluten-free muffins takes a little practice!
The good news is, with each new batch, my gluten-free muffins are getting more delicious.
My most recent flurry of tinkering with gluten-free muffins is for my grandson's sake. And…

Gluten-Free Savory Muffins Recipe. All Variations
My gluten-free savory muffins are my special gift:
When my grandson became allergic to gluten, I watched with great sadness as he went from eating bread, his favorite food, all day long, to having it yanked off his hands as "booboo bread".…

Tsimmis Recipe. Loaf Variation
No Tsimmis on Rosh Hashana? Unthinkable! It is the perfect quintessence of all our prayers on a dinner plate: Sweet, strong, deep, spicy, nourishing, delicious. My Tsimmis Recipe is included in my giant Rosh Hashana Recipe and…

Apple Cabbage Fennel Compote Recipe
Fennel Compote is guaranteed to endear fennel to you!
What a shame fennel is such an acquired taste in America! In my fennel compote, the fennel gets some protection: it is flanked by the more familiar cabbage and apples:
That will work,…

Bourbon Pecan Apple Cake Recipe
Apple Cake
Mine is excerpted from my latest Cookbook, The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen.
The combination of the apples, bourbon, and pecans is a classic. Spicy, fragrant and delicious
Mix this cake by hand in minutes. There’s no need…

Raw Chia, Flax and Almond Pudding. All Variations
With this delightful raw almond pudding I am proudly expanding my Low Carb Treat Repertoire My almond pudding is my brand new star. This new dessert is the result of much tinkering, not only in honor of some severely sugar-restricted friends…