Natural Chocolate Frosting. Icing Variation.
Chocolate Frosting: who doesn't love it?
I have very recently perfected my Natural Chocolate when I developed My Almond Apricot Chocolate Chip Torte, showcasing Chana Shusterman's new and delicious brand California Gourmet Vegan Chocolate…

Raw Cranberry Chia Pudding Recipe. Vegan and Gluten-Free
Did someone just say Chia Pudding?
This reverse chic cook recoils at all manners of food trends and fads, and the way food manufacturers have abused the chia fad and many other fads makes me want to run for the hills. If only the food industry…

Almond Apricot Chocolate Chip Torte. Chocolate Frosting Recipe.
Chocolate Chip Torte
Created with pride for California Gourmet Vegan Chocolate ChipsThis delicious Flourless Almond Apricot Chocolate Chip Torte with Chocolate Frosting is my latest born baby, born yesterday to be exact! Perfect for Passover…

Apple Strudel Recipe
Apple Strudel is a great Eastern European Dessert Favorite.
Store-bought Fillo dough is quite an acceptable substitute for the labor-intensive homemade Fillo sheets, and makes Strudel a snap to make. Strudel is quite versatile, and you make…

Baklava Recipe. Fillo Tips
Although it likely originated in Greece or Turkey, all Mediterranean cultures have adopted it and tweaked it to their own tastes.
Baklava is a Mediterranean confection that sounds really decadent, loaded as it is with honey and…

Moroccan Shortbread Cookies Recipe. Ghriba
Shortbread Cookies: Ghriba
Ghriba is the delightful Moroccan Shortbread Cookie we grew up with. It is Vegan without even trying! Ghriba is beyond simple to prepare, in fact I've always had a no-fail mnemonic formula for the ridiculously…

Vegan Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Recipe. Gluten-Free
Chocolate Raspberry Mousse
My new star was born just yesterday, and I am so proud of it!
I served my brand new Chocolate Raspberry Mousse to my guests last night, and the general consensus is: It's a rock star! It doesn't in the least…

Triple Ginger Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly. All Variations
These Triple Ginger Cookies are for ginger lovers only!
These heavenly, crunchy-melt-in-your-mouth ginger cookies are a real celebration of one of my favorite flavors: ginger. And I spread it on really thick, using it as I do in this recipe…

Gluten-Free Muffins. All Variations
Making good gluten-free muffins takes a little practice!
The good news is, with each new batch, my gluten-free muffins are getting more delicious.
My most recent flurry of tinkering with gluten-free muffins is for my grandson's sake. And…

Vegan Cheesecake with Peanut Butter Chocolate Recipe
Vegan Cheesecake? You bet! Not an oxymoron!
A new dessert star was born this week as a result of extensive tinkering with variations on cheesecake: Vegan Cheesecake. Forgive me for feeling so smug, but I am mighty proud of my creation: You…

Coconut Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free-Friendly
Coconut cookies are my weakness!
I am a total nut for coconut cookies, and for all things coconut. This cookie is crunchy and crumbly, and I love the nice mess they make. I always find coconut lovers wherever I go, so I quite often make them…

Moroccan Almond Fillo Pastries Recipe
Fillo Pastries
They are a staple in our Moroccan Pastry repertoire.
There is no Moroccan Dessert display without fillo pastries, first cousins of Baklava. Although I am showcasing the glorious almond in the filling of these Fillo Pastries,…