Cowboy Cookies Recipe. Gluten Free Friendly
Cowboy Cookies
We call them affectionately cowboy cookies because cowboys used to take them on the road as a nourishing mini meal, and they are easy to whip out. They travel well, hence the name. Needless to say, you don’t need to be…

Sesame Tehina Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free
Tehina Cookies
Not just dessert, they easily double as the perfect mini meals. Yes, this is how potent they are. Flourless, gluten-free, and packed with nothing but the best and most nutritious ingredients! Very filling too, you’ll see:…

Mixed Seed Bark Recipe. Cookies Variation
Mixed Seed Bark
If you are, as am I, surrounded with allergy-challenged family members and friends, you become very creative and use seeds. Yes, seeds. This recipe gives equal time to all seeds: Flax, chia, hemp, sunflower seeds, pumpkin…

Hammentaschen Recipe. All Variations
The signature triangle-shaped fun Purim cookie. It is shrouded in legend, myth, old-wives tales and folklore: Is it ear-shaped? Is it purse-shaped? Read on!) It is shaped with three points pinched around a jam or other filling.…

Spicy Honey Cookies Recipe. Variations
Honey Cookies!
Honey honey honey. That's what first comes to mind just before Rosh Hashanah. You know my mean honey cake, right? Honey cookies have just joined my happy honey family. They are seriously amazing.
I use chai in my honey cookies

Moroccan Shortbread Cookies Recipe. Ghriba
Shortbread Cookies: Ghriba
Ghriba is the delightful Moroccan Shortbread Cookie we grew up with. It is Vegan without even trying! Ghriba is beyond simple to prepare, in fact I've always had a no-fail mnemonic formula for the ridiculously…

Triple Ginger Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly. All Variations
These Triple Ginger Cookies are for ginger lovers only!
These heavenly, crunchy-melt-in-your-mouth ginger cookies are a real celebration of one of my favorite flavors: ginger. And I spread it on really thick, using it as I do in this recipe…

Coconut Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free-Friendly
Coconut cookies are my weakness!
I am a total nut for coconut cookies, and for all things coconut. This cookie is crunchy and crumbly, and I love the nice mess they make. I always find coconut lovers wherever I go, so I quite often make them…

Ice Cream Sandwiches Recipe. Sugar Cookies
Ice Cream Sandwiches are a breeze!
Once you make Sugar Cookies, your blank canvas is laid out: ice cream sandwiches waiting to happen!
Good news: Any of you enjoyed the gorgeous day yesterday and admired with me the luscious looking blossoms…

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free Adaptable
Chocolate and peanut butter: A marriage made in cookie heaven!
These are so much fun, cracked all over and forming dark ridges on the white-dusted tops: hide them well! Dear Gluten-Free Friends, boy you'll be happy to know these are every…

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe with All the Fixin’s!
Oatmeal Cookies
My all-time favorite! I am obsessed with oats, and jump on every chance to use them, both in sweet and savory recipes. Take a look at my steel-cut oat soup, and at my Oats Pots de Creme, to take but two glowing examples.

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Recipe. All Adaptations
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies: Hide them well!
My recipe is directly inspired from my original "mother" oatmeal cookie recipe, which I developed for my latest cookbook: This is just one of the many variations I have included.
I'm a total…