Herb Cauliflower Salad
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Herb Cauliflower Salad Recipe

So is Cauliflower the new grain? There seems to be nothing you can't do with it: Grind it with the right seasonings, and you get a Pizza crust; Throw in a handful frozen cauliflower with your other smoothie ingredients and it's a leaner and…
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Moroccan Quinoa Salad with Mint and Raisins Recipe

There are dozen ways to make a wonderful Quinoa Salad, all exciting and all healthy and delicious, and all gluten-free. Quinoa is the grain I use most often in salads, even in Tabouleh I am going with a decidedly Sephardi Quinoa Salad, with…
Crab kale salad
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Mock Crab Kale Salad with Peanuts Recipe.

“Crab” Kale Salad Mock crab and kale complement each other and make a fabulous match. Mock Crab Kale Salad is equally at home as a first course and a main course. And mock crab, also called kani, is such a fun ingredient. Mock crab…
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Potato Salad Recipe. Main Course Variations

A Potato Salad Recipe? Seriously? What's the big deal about potato salad? And why even dignify such a mundane dish with a formal recipe? Why can't we just, ummm, dice some potatoes, slather them with mayo, throw in some seasonings and…
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Chopped Salad with Tehina Zaatar Recipe

My favorite Chopped Salad is based on the classic Israeli Salad I enrich with lots of good herbs, and dress it with a terrific Tehina Zaatar Dressing. More chopping than I like to do, but the good news is, my chopped salad can be easily elevated…
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Caprese Salad Recipe. Main Course Variations

Caprese Salad   This delightful salad heralds spring as surely and as exuberantly as Forsythia and Daffodils We all love its intoxicating fragrances and bright Italian Red-White-and-Green Flag colors. In spring and summer the…
Vegan Bacon
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Vegan Bacon Kale Salad with Miso Dressing Recipe

Vegan Bacon is the dream topping: And not just with Vegan diners, but with Kosher-Keepers, and everyone in between. You will enjoy it for no other reason than that it is fantastic and super healthy. Verboten no more! But that's not all: I…
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Moroccan Spicy Olive Orange Salad Recipe

Did you say spicy orange salad? Who knew oranges could be used in a savory dish, as in this delightful olive orange salad? This Moroccan salad is a staple at our tables. This always knocks their socks off. Use only navel oranges for this…
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Zucchini Dip Recipe

Zucchini Dip is what we do when we have too many zucchini. We make many wonderful zucchini treats, many of which you are of course familiar with: Ratatouille, grilled vegetables, soup, breads etc... How about this zucchini dip? Just be prepared…
red cabbage salad
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Red Cabbage Salad with Pomegranate and Herbs Recipe

Red Cabbage Salad Love love love red cabbage.  There's nothing I don't do with it; to name just a few of my red cabbage treats: kim chi;  swiss chard and sausage; health salad, beet red cabbage salad with all the fixings. Food Processor I…
olive salad
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Moroccan Mixed Olive Salad Recipe

Olive Salad That's right: Not Salad with Olives, but olive salad. We Moroccans grew up eating olives at every meal, not only in salads but cooked with our dishes. Nothing as delicious as olives in tajines In this dish, they ARE the salad. I…
Fresh seaweed
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Fresh Seaweed Noodles Sashimi Salad Recipe

Fresh Seaweed It is getting increasingly available. You will be as pleased as I am to see that , in many supermarkets and in sushi restaurants, fresh seaweed turns up more often. It is true I haven't seen fresh seaweed in any  form other…