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Fennel Orange Radish Salad Recipe

Fennel Salad This is a classical and delightful Moroccan dish. Orange, radish and Fennel go incredibly well together! all three flavors play off one another beautifully. It will make you love Fennel and fennel salad, which is not getting…
herring salad
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Herring Salad Recipe. White Fish Salad Variation

My herring salad is a new-age take on herring. I suspect many of you have the same problem I do with the regular herring salad offerings we are used to: We all love herring and all briny smoked salty cured foods. But the amount of salt can…
salade nicoise
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Salade Niçoise Recipe. Honoring Julia Child

 Salade Niçoise In Honor of Julia Child JC100 Anniversary: Salade Niçoise is one of my all-time favorite salads, especially when made with fresh, not canned,  tuna. I was honored to write a review of Julia Child's biography, Dearie,…
mango dressing
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Mixed Greens with Curried Mango Dressing Recipe

My mango dressing is bright and spicy! It is delightful not only over greens, but also with  fish or chicken, grilled or poached. The pungent curry is a wonderful foil for the fruity and tart mango. Use only as much mango dressing as will…
eggplant salad
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Moroccan Eggplant Salad Recipe

Eggplant Salad Eggplant is a huge favorite in our Sephardi Cooking. We prepare eggplant in dozens of ways, even for dessert! This dish is all roasted, so it is pretty streamlined, and pretty lean. Anything not to have to fry eggplant:…
caesar's salad
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Caesar’s Salad Recipe. Caesar’s Dressing

Caesar's Salad That’s one simple salad that never goes out of fashion! If caesar’s salad was eclipsed by a new salad on the block, however briefly, I missed that! Casesar’s Salad: Queen or King? The queen of salads, albeit with…
cabbage apple slaw
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Cabbage Apple Slaw Recipe. Variations

Cabbage Apple slaw? Huh? Oh no! Look what happened to coleslaw! Well, really why not? A slaw being nothing more than shredded cabbage as the first building block—have fun adding all the good stuff, with minimal effort on your part, thanks…
cottage cheese salad
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Cottage Cheese Salad Recipe

Cottage Cheese Salad I just had me a little cottage cheese salad party! My granddaughter and I demolished a whole bowl of it this past shabbos. Just in case cottage cheese eaten alone sounds too plain, here's how to jazz it up! Yes it…
cole slaw
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Cole Slaw Recipe the Easy and Healthy Way

I adore cole slaw. I have long since stopped apologizing for my plebeian tastes. I love to make it for large parties too. It doesn't hurt that it keeps perfectly for a good few days. You will see that my cole slaw is much leaner than the…
Corn Salad
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Corn Salad Recipe with Dill

Corn Salad An almost-constant staple at my table Especially in the summer when the corn is so sweet and tender I use it raw. It works perfectly as a salad and as a side dish. Out of season, I use second-best frozen corn It looks like…
watermelon salad
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Minted Watermelon Salad Recipe

Watermelon Salad with Feta and Tomatoes: Huh? Does this salad combo sound wacky enough for you? I admit this watermelon salad is quite a stretch from the way watermelon is usually enjoyed: only one small good problem— watermelon salad is fabulous,…
waldorf salad
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Waldorf Salad Rémoulade Recipe, all Variations

Waldorf Salad You can riff on this Salad and take it in a dozen fun directions. But the four constant ingredients are apples, raisins, celery, and nuts. Beside these four trademarks, there’s so much you can do with Waldorf salad! You…