
Hannah Kaminsky: Vegan Desserts
You will all love Hannah Kaminsky's luscious new Vegan Dessert Book: The girl can not only bake, she can also take fabulous pix, as you can plainly see above. I had the pleasure of working with her when she did the food styling for the…

Have Tea Mug, Will Travel!
Recently I bought myself a great overnight bag, and decided my spiffy and capacious new purchase would be the bag to end all bags: I would give away all others, but I decided to check into all the pockets first, to make sure nothing valuable…

Our Passover Vacation: Honeymoon at the Fairmont Scottsdale
Lynda and I at a Wild West BBQ at the Fairmont
In nearly thirty five years we have been married (that's right, my marriage predates my electronic Facebook marriage announcement by about thirty-three years, but thank you all anyway for your…

Truffle Oil: The Dark Side of Labeling
This bottle of "Truffle Oil" was part of a gorgeous Mishloach Manot/birthday present basket I received from my daughter Bella. Reading the ingredient list created an uproar among my guests. Not a single drop of truffle oil. Intrigued, I looked…

Waldorf Salad Rémoulade Recipe, all Variations
Waldorf Salad
You can riff on this Salad and take it in a dozen fun directions. But the four constant ingredients are apples, raisins, celery, and nuts.
Beside these four trademarks, there’s so much you can do with Waldorf salad! You…

Tiramisu Recipe. Dairy-Free or Dairy
That’s affectionate Italian for “pick-me-up”
That's probably because tiramisu puts together three of our favorite intense robust flavors: rum, chocolate and coffee (please don’t try to substitute anything else for any…

Carrot Cake: Our Award Winning Recipe
Carrot Cake: Our Award Winning Recipe!
Me, my sister Lea and my husband Maurice. Circa 1979, selling our famous carrot cake at a Central Park Fair. We sliced until we dropped.
Our Post-Woodstock Pre-Chassidic days. You like? I remember…

Blueberry Scones Recipe
Blueberry scones and all scones are wonderful!
Whipped up in minutes and full of flavor. I make them with spelt, my grain of choice for baking absolutely everything, but you will find them totally adaptable to Gluten-Free. You will easily find…

Polenta Casserole Au Gratin Recipe
For this polenta casserole and all other polenta dishes:
Please ignore those insipid cooked polenta rolls you find in the supermarket:
Making the polenta base takes minutes, and is the bulk of the work for this delicious dish, which will…
Demo Menus

Favorite Shavuot Dishes
Cream of watercress
Mushroom-stuffed tilapia rolls
Polenta casserole au gratin
Endive, walnut and apple salad

Yom Haatzmaut Israeli Feast
Yemenite Halbah meat soup
Zaatar-rubbed flat bread
Stuffed artichoke bottoms with lemon sauce
Easy un-stuffed cabbage
Israeli salad with tehina