Sesame Tehina Cookies Recipe. Gluten-Free
Tehina Cookies
Not just dessert, they easily double as the perfect mini meals. Yes, this is how potent they are. Flourless, gluten-free, and packed with nothing but the best and most nutritious ingredients! Very filling too, you’ll see:…

Vegan Marjolaine Cake Recipe. Flourless. Gluten-free
Marjolaine Cake gone Vegan?
I answer this with an enthusiastic "why not"? Vegan and completely flourless, hence gluten-free.
When it comes to major party cakes, which is precisely what this wonderful creation is, the more treats that…

Radicchio, Endive and Fennel Salad Recipe
My Radicchio Endive Fennel Salad is my latest triumph.
I created it as a special gift to a special friend for a special (upper round number) birthday.
Everything about this Radicchio salad is delightful and luxurious. The colors, the crunch,…

Roquefort Hazelnut Savory Scones Recipe
These savory scones are the classical Brunch favorite taken to a new level.
The pairing of roquefort and hazelnuts in these scones is a real knockout. A luxurious treat whipped up at the drop of a hat, like all scones. I am mighty proud of…

Chocolate Hazelnut Dacquoise Recipe
Dacquoise is that dreamy French classic!
It is made up of alternating layers of meringue and fillings. I have made the fillings much lighter, healthier and much simpler to make, but no less delicious, with the help of my staunch ally tofu:…