Summer Feast. Menu and Recipes
Summer Feast
I can finally come up for air after my granddaughter’s magical wedding.

Kibbeh Soup Recipe. Quick and Easy

Beet Recipes that Can’t be Beat. Sweet and Savory

Moroccan Swiss Chard Beet Salad Recipe
Swiss Chard Beet Salad
Swiss chard and beets are a wonderful match, as the briny kick of the Swiss chard set off the sweetness of the beets so nicely. A deceptively simple, and unpretentious but delicious little salad you might get as attached…

Beet Salad with all the Fixin’s Recipe
Beet Salad with All the Fixins'
Everyone celebrate autumn (okay, winter) in the way that makes them most happy, cozy and comfortable. Since we are huge salad eaters at home, our seasonal celebrations most often gravitate around…

Vegetarian Quick Borscht Recipe. Beef Variation
My borscht is as quick as it is hearty.
It is a real sweet-and-sour match triumph.
I call my borscht quick for good reason:
Although I love the classic beef borscht and enjoy it occasionally, I have no intention (and neither do you, I’ll bet!)…

Quick Pickled Beets Recipe
Pickled beets: You will eat your beets more often!
It is unfortunate that in America, beets invariably conjure up loaded remarks about, uhmmm, never mind . . .
I am always looking for ways to sneak beets in:
I include them in places where…

Arugala Beet Salad Recipe. Variations
Arugala Beet Salad
Arugula is one of my favorite salad greens:
You can take arugala so many exciting places: Salads, frittatas, pesto (that's right!)
Salads are always a great showcase for me, as they are where I sneak in all my goodies,…

Chocolate Beet Cake Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly
Chocolate Beet Cake
Now that sounds really funky, doesn't it? I know what you’re thinking, but let me tell you: This Cake is amazing! It is unfortunate that in America, beets invariably conjure up pointed remarks about, ummm... never…