Asian Vegetable Pancakes Recipe
Asian Vegetable Pancake
Asian Vegetable Pancakes are not just delicious and crunchy. They are also super nutritious and very easy to make They are a marvel of umami flavors, both in the pancake and the dipping sauce.
They are technically…

Broccoli Waldorf Salad Recipe
Broccoli Waldorf SaladConsider it the super nutritious cousin of Waldorf Salad. Gluten-Free without even trying!It shares a couple trademarks with Waldorf Salad ...

Potato Latkas. All Variations + Kugel. Frying Tips
Potato Latkas
There is no Chanukah without Latkas. We all seem to have something in common. We love fried foods, But we dread the caloric price we must pay. This is why I am including this comprehensive chapter on frying tips: I want to…

Braised Red Cabbage and Apples Recipe
Braised Red Cabbage
I feel like I could write a respectable size little cookbook on all the recipes I am constantly developing with cabbage. Red or white cabbage.
Cabbage and Apples
What a match! It’s great not only in this braised…

Kimchi Latkas Recipe. Kimchi Tempeh Latkas Variation. GF friendly
Kimchi Latkas!
At first I hadn't meant that as a recipe. I was just fooling around with a jar of kimchi I bought at a kosher supermarket. This being Chanukkah week, I thought, what better time to try a kimchi latka recipe, and add it to…

Vegetable Stir Fry Recipe. Meat and Chicken Variations
Vegetable Stir Fry
The Perfect Dinner! All variations are included
You don't need to wait until Meatless Monday to enjoy it. It is quite a substantial one-dish main course any time. You could swear you're having a steak dinner: It's…

Black Bean Burgers Recipe. Vegan-Friendly. GF
Black Bean Burgers
Mine are delicious, Vegan-Friendly AND Gluten-Free! If you are carb-conscious, you'll be happy to know my BBB are so satisfying, nourishing and filling you will enjoy them even sans bun, so as not to pile on too many…

Potato Pie Recipe. Chicken Variation
Moroccan Potato Pie
This is a great favorite in our Moroccan cuisine. This rustic dish (called Amhammar in Arabic) is a good example of how we make something rich (eggs) or starchy (potatoes) go a long way. Consider it an eggy cousin of…

Latkas Worldwide Recipes!

Vegetarian Burgers Recipes. Fish/Meat Variations
Vegetarian Burgers
Vegetarian burgers are wonderful and super easy to put together. A complete-meal cousin of the Big Happy Latkas Family. Just as you can make latkas with virtually any vegetable (and fruit), so can you make burgers with…

Ratatouille Recipe. French Style, and Moroccan Style
Ratatouille is not just the delightful movie!
I don't think Julia Child would object to a little tweaking of the French Classic Ratatouille, taken in a Moroccan direction. Besides, all things Eggplant are a huge favorite in North African and…