jicama slaw
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Cabbage, Cucumber and Jicama Slaw Recipe

Jicama Slaw? Oh gosh look what happened to Cole Slaw! How did Jicama wriggle its way in there? But come to think of it, why not? There could be so many lovely variations on the "slaw" theme, where grated cabbage, as well as a pale color and…
carrot salad
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Swiss Chard Salad with Carrots Recipe

Swiss Chard Salad One of our favorite Moroccan salads. Colorful, cooked and spicy! The added carrots are a wonderful match, and brighten up the whole salad! See why we eat our veggies in Morocco? That it is super healthy goes without…
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Moroccan Tomato Salad Recipe. Salsa Variation

Moroccan Tomato Salad is a staple in our diet. We Moroccans cook tomatoes, sun-dry tomatoes, pickle tomatoes, candy tomatoes, we prepare tomatoes in every way possible. Moroccan Tomato Salad is our answer to Salsa. In Mediterranean climates,…
lettuce chickpea salad
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Moroccan Lettuce Chickpea Salad Recipe

Lettuce Chickpea Salad is one of my favorites It is overlaid with Moroccan flavors, bright and fragrant. To all of you out there always asking how we turn a same old, same old salad into an exciting Sephardi main course: You can take lettuce…
mock crab salad
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Mock Crab Salad with Corn Apple Recipe

I make Mock Crab salad at a moment's notice. I made it this Shabbos, for my husband and I, as I was hatching a meal spartan enough (and of course delicious enough!) to atone for some of the magnificent meals we indulged in the whole Pessach…
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Hummus Recipe. All Hummus Variations

Hummus I know. Hummus comes in pint containers in the supermarket. Ooooops. Just kidding! But that’s how ubiquitous commercial hummus has become—a marked improvement over many other mediocre commercial offerings, but commercial nonetheless. But…
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Corn Salsa with Apple and Jicama Recipe

Corn salsa? What just happened to salsa as we know it? You know, tomato Salsa? Once in a while, give tomatoes a day off and explore other exciting salsa recipes! This is one of several Corn Salsa recipes I have developed, and is particularly…
pickled beets
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Quick Pickled Beets Recipe

Pickled beets: You will eat your beets more often! It is unfortunate that in America, beets invariably conjure up loaded remarks about, uhmmm, never mind . . . I am always looking for ways to sneak beets in: I include them in places where…
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Steak Salad Recipe. All Variations

A great Steak Salad starts with a great cut of meat. There are quite a few steak salad recipes out there you could play with (Asian, Latin, French etc), all delicious. The following Steak Salad is one of my favorite, a sort of take-off…
nappa cabbage
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Asian Beef Shiitake Nappa Cabbage Salad Recipe

Nappa cabbage plays a much larger role than it usually does a salad. In this dish, nappa cabbage gets equal time with the beef and makes a wonderful main course. My children make this beef nappa cabbage salad  quite often for Shabbos, and…
arugala beet salad
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Arugala Beet Salad Recipe. Variations

Arugala Beet Salad Arugula is one of my favorite salad greens: You can take arugala so many exciting places: Salads, frittatas, pesto (that's right!) Salads are always a great showcase for me, as they are where I sneak in all my goodies,…
carrot salad
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Moroccan Minted Carrot Salad Recipe

Carrot salad with mint and sweet spices! Is so good, so fragrant and so pretty it could almost double as dessert. Not your same old carrot salad, that I can tell you! The magic of Moroccan ingredients: Dates, mint, orange flower water: Yum!…