
Polenta Casserole Au Gratin Recipe
For this polenta casserole and all other polenta dishes:
Please ignore those insipid cooked polenta rolls you find in the supermarket:
Making the polenta base takes minutes, and is the bulk of the work for this delicious dish, which will…

Brisket in Coffee Bourbon Sauce Recipe
Brisket in Coffee Bourbon Sauce
Another winner (scroll down for my original brisket).
My brisket Bechor is my famous Brisket in Sweet and Sour Sauce. A classic! You will get no end of fabulous Seder Dishes ideas in my big Seder Menu…

Chocolate-Dipped Coconut Meringues Recipe
Coconut Meringues: Chocolate-dipped!
This is serious delicious trouble!
Kids, please: Don't let's get into a turf war with the distinguished and wonderful French Macarons, or with the somewhat less distinguished and ubiquitous canned Passover…

Artichokes and Carrots in Lemon Sauce Recipe
Artichokes are a Sephardi favorite.
In Morocco they are a staple, and I remember a variety I haven’t seen anywhere else: tiny, with pointed leaves as sharp as thorns, which we used to eat by the dozen at the end of a meal as dessert, much…

Raita Recipe with Mint and Cucumber
Raita is a cool and delicious way to put out fires in curries,
But It is delicious even on its own
Mint, cucumber, yogurt:
What could be more fun and more yum than this flavor lineup? And you will love the chunky texture.
No problem making…

Apricot Chutney Recipe
No store-bought apricot chutney comes close to homemade!
This is true of all chutneys. Still looking for a fabulous homemade Mishloach Manot treat, one that will last until Passover and beyond? Apricot Chutney!
Chutneys, from the…

Chocolate Sauce Recipe
No commercial chocolate sauce comes anywhere close to this one.
So simple to make, and so versatile. Plus: Dairy-free, and all natural. How can you miss? Serve it on cake or ice cream, dip strawberries and orange slices in it as soon as it…

Zucchini Bread Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly
Zucchini Bread
This and all other quick breads and muffins are a snap to make: Because they get mixed by hand, and are leavened with baking powder (not yeast), you can make them at the drop of a hat. Zucchini bread is equally at home as…

Pumpkin Cranberry Cake Recipe
Pumpkin Cranberry Cake
Cranberry tart, Cranberry vinegar, Cranberry everything: there’s no cranberry food I dont adore. When fresh cranberries pile up, right around now, on produce stalls, I pounce on them.
The perfect Thanksgiving…

Apple Latkas Recipe. Gluten-Free
Apple latkas are one of my favorite desserts!
Apple latkas is a rustic French dessert treat we indulge in on Chanukkah and beyond. Strictly for apple lovers like me, and you I hope. Want to see see how many goodies I make with apples, from…

Rice With Seaweed and Vegetables Recipe
Last night's demo, Super Foods Super Feast, along with this Rice with Seaweed and Vegetables, are on a subject that is very dear to me. Actually it's the subject of the cookbook I am currently working on! I can't tell you how exciting this…