Applesauce cake
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Applesauce Cake Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly

Applesauce Cake   This is one of the most deceptively simple cake recipes you will come across. Applesauce cake sounds so demure and so homey you might expect the wonderful end result. It is much more exciting and more elegant than…
Cowboy Cookies
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Cowboy Cookies Recipe. Gluten Free Friendly

Cowboy Cookies We call them affectionately cowboy cookies because cowboys used to take them on the road as a nourishing mini meal, and they are easy to whip out. They travel well, hence the name. Needless to say, you don’t need to be…
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Baklava Recipe. Fillo Tips

Baklava Although it likely originated in Greece or Turkey, all Mediterranean cultures have adopted it and tweaked it to their own tastes. Baklava is a Mediterranean confection that sounds really decadent, loaded as it is with honey and…
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Georgian Satsivi Recipe

Satsivi is a delightful Georgian Classic. Satsivi is a cold chicken dish steeped in a rich walnut sauce. Walnuts are a staple of Georgian cooking, you will find them not just in Satsivi but in quite a few Georgian dishes. Satsivi is richer…
nut truffles
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Moroccan Spicy Nut Truffles Recipe

Nut Truffles They are for nut lovers only. All others need not apply. Sort of like the famous Pfeffernusse, only Sephardi style. Moroccan, to be exact. They make a perfect gift too. Move over chocolate, and enjoy your day off: you’re…
waldorf salad
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Waldorf Salad Rémoulade Recipe, all Variations

Waldorf Salad You can riff on this Salad and take it in a dozen fun directions. But the four constant ingredients are apples, raisins, celery, and nuts. Beside these four trademarks, there’s so much you can do with Waldorf salad! You…
Zucchini chocolate bread
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Zucchini Chocolate Bread Recipe. Muffin Variation

Zucchini Chocolate Bread   I love the idea of quickbreads, whipped up at the drop of a hat, ready for guests and us on short notice, no kneading and no rising time. The added bonus is that they are only moderately sweet, placing…
zucchini bread
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Zucchini Bread Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly

Zucchini Bread This and all other quick breads and muffins are a snap to make: Because they get mixed by hand, and are leavened with baking powder (not yeast), you can make them at the drop of a hat. Zucchini bread is equally at home as…
pumpkin cake
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Pumpkin Cranberry Cake Recipe

Pumpkin Cranberry Cake Cranberry tart, Cranberry vinegar, Cranberry everything: there’s no cranberry food I dont adore. When fresh cranberries pile up, right around now, on produce stalls, I pounce on them. The perfect Thanksgiving…