Lamb Meatballs in Apple Chutney Sauce Recipe
Lamb meatballs are a great ethnic favorite.
I had just made a batch of Apple Tomato Chutney. It just looked too delicious to be used only as a condiment; I went all out and incorporated it in these Indian lamb meatballs. Needless to add,…
Pesto Sauce Recipe. All Variations
The great classic wears many exciting hats. It is traditionally based on most often based on basil, olive oil, and toasted walnuts. Be sure to check out my sun-dried tomato pesto as well!
We have seen it pesto recast endlessly…
Moroccan Spicy Nut Truffles Recipe
Nut Truffles
They are for nut lovers only. All others need not apply. Sort of like the famous Pfeffernusse, only Sephardi style. Moroccan, to be exact. They make a perfect gift too.
Move over chocolate, and enjoy your day off: you’re…
Beer Roasted Turkey Breast Recipe
Turkey Breast
Easy and quick! It's wonderful for those times where we want to enjoy turkey, but without the whole-bird production: Long roasting, boning, slicing, dealing with leftovers etc.
Boneless Turkey Breast to the Rescue!
The following…
Hot Cereal Recipe. Breakfast for Champions. All Variations
Hot cereal is for all of us to enjoy!
My idea of breakfast for Champions! Recently my very pregnant daughter Bella mentioned that her ob-gyn recommended she include more fiber and more vegetable protein in her diet. Always tinkering with the…
Fish Tajine Recipe. Fishballs Variation
Fish Tajine
My Fish Tajine is excerpted from my latest cookbook, The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen.
I just cannot tell you without incurring a serious risk of bragging, how many thousands of my fans make it: it has even become…
Grapefruit Liqueur Recipe. Green Apple Variation
Grapefruit liqueur is fantastic!
For many years, I have made liqueur from etrog. Etrog is also called citron, a rare citrus fruit—“the fruit of a goodly tree,” as it is reverently referred to—used in the celebration of the Jewish holiday…
Caesar’s Salad Recipe. Caesar’s Dressing
Caesar's Salad
That’s one simple salad that never goes out of fashion! If caesar’s salad was eclipsed by a new salad on the block, however briefly, I missed that!
Casesar’s Salad: Queen or King?
The queen of salads, albeit with…
Vegetarian French Onion Soup Recipe
My onion soup recipe is in my first cookbook, Levana's Table
I always thought I made a good onion soup, if I may say so myself. Mine lists Swiss cheese, provolone and parmesan. But I recently received from my daughter Bella a magnificent wheel…
Cornmeal Yogurt Blueberry Pancakes
These blueberry pancakes have all the appeal of latkas, without the frying.
This being Chanukkah, I trust we have plenty of chances to eat more than our fair shares of latkas: You will love my latkas recipe, complete with all tips on frying…
Bread Berry Trifle Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly
Berry trifle is also called summer pudding.
Mine is a healthy spin on the British Dessert favorite. I think you will be berry-ed out after this recipe. Or will you? Never enough berries!
Traditional berry trifle, like most trifles, includes…
Moroccan Spinach Lamb Soup Recipe
Lamb Soup is overlaid with Moroccan flavors.
Mine smells as heavenly as it tastes. We know our lamb!
For many years, my classroom was in Lincoln Square Synagogue. The teacher himself later told me that he found teaching exquisite torture…