Chicken Carrot Turnip Tajine Recipe
Carrot Turnip Tajine
All my readers know what a thrill it is to me to start out with humble ingredients and end up with a glorious dish that surpasses the sum of its modest parts by leaps and bounds It’s a game that I love to challenge…

Pumpkin Loaf with Kale and Lentils Recipe
Pumpkin Loaf: Gotta try my newborn dish!
It is chock-full of everything that is great and good for you, all in one loaf: Pumpkin, kale, lentils, almonds, oats. The perfect Gluten-Free too!
My pumpkin loaf does not err on the sweet side

Mushroom Barley Soup Recipe. Vegan or Meat
Mushroom Barley Soup
Here comes the hearty and wonderful classic!
I love barley so much. Take a look at my Jazzed Up Cholent Soup, with Black Barley, or my couscous recipe, using barley couscous
Attention Gluten-Free Friends

Tsimmis Recipe. Loaf Variation
No Tsimmis on Rosh Hashana? Unthinkable! It is the perfect quintessence of all our prayers on a dinner plate: Sweet, strong, deep, spicy, nourishing, delicious. My Tsimmis Recipe is included in my giant Rosh Hashana Recipe and…

Vegetarian Quick Borscht Recipe. Beef Variation
My borscht is as quick as it is hearty.
It is a real sweet-and-sour match triumph.
I call my borscht quick for good reason:
Although I love the classic beef borscht and enjoy it occasionally, I have no intention (and neither do you, I’ll bet!)…

Swiss Chard Mustard Greens Chicken Lamb Tajine Recipe
Swiss Chard Mustard Greens Chicken Lamb Tajine Recipe:
When I went food shopping this week, I saw gigantic and gorgeous bunches of Swiss Chard and Mustard Greens. That decided my main course right there and then: A Tajine! Don't just talk about…

Kasha with Onions and Mushrooms Recipe. Gluten-Free
Kasha with Onions and Mushrooms
Kasha, onions, mushrooms: Perfect expat Jewish food. Mine is a super modern and healthy take on an Old World Classic.
Not Love at First Bite
Good Sephardi that I am, it took me quite some time to love the…

Yemenite Soup with Beef Recipe. Gluten-Free
Yemenite Soup
This is a meal onto itself. It is also a wonderful comfort food. Vegetables, meat, spices, it's all there. All you need with Yemenite Soup to round out the meal is some hunks of good dunking bread and salad. Perfect expat…

Raita Recipe with Mint and Cucumber
Raita is a cool and delicious way to put out fires in curries,
But It is delicious even on its own
Mint, cucumber, yogurt:
What could be more fun and more yum than this flavor lineup? And you will love the chunky texture.
No problem making…

Turmeric Chai Mix Recipe. All Variations
Turmeric Chai Mix
Turmeric Chai Mix Aliases
Every culture riffs on the basic Indian spice mix, and renames it: in India it is called golden chai masala; in Israel they use it mostly as the Yemenite sweet coffee spice mix, or Hawayedj…

Teriyaki Sauce Recipe the Homemade way
Homemade Teriyaki sauce:
There is no commercial version that comes close.
I live in the vicinity of several Chinese restaurants (who doesn’t?). Every morning I watch the mountain of trash at their back door, and it always includes enormous…

Chicken Breasts with Chipotle Mock Cream Sauce. Gluten-Free
I can make a delicious and dairy-free mock cream sauce in meat dishes by stirring in a good quality plain soy or coconut yogurt: Yes: Kosher food has moved up in the world, just the way I like it: Natural! Chipotles are smoked red peppers,…