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Yemenite Schug Recipe

Every cuisine has its hot sauce recipe favorite and its own gamut of condiments it hails from, that becomes the pride and joy of their creations: Salsa, Harissa, Charif, Schug, Chutney, Hot Pepper Jelly, to name just a few. All delicious and…
avocado cucumber soup
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Cold Avocado Cucumber Soup Recipe

 Avocado cucumber soup: pure seduction! Is chilled and spicy what you are after? OK then, avocado cucumber soup! Nothing to it. Oh, and no cooking whatsoever. Perfect for those days when it is too hot to turn on your oven or to enjoy after…
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Hot Pepper Jelly Recipe. With Berry Variation

Did you say Hot Pepper Jelly? Huh? Hot jam? What's wrong with these people? What next? Seriously: Hot Pepper Jelly is fabulous! This jam lover experiments with absolutely all jam and preserves possibilities. This recipe is the result…
Soy protein curry
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Chicken Curry with Tomatoes and Plantains Recipe

My chicken curry stars tomatoes and plantains. Please do not substitute canned tomatoes—there will be a huge difference! Plantains come in two varieties: Green to medium ripe, and very ripe. The former are used as vegetables in stews…
chilled corn soup
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Chilled Corn Soup with Avocado Recipe

Chilled Corn Soup It is practically as easy to make as smoothie! It is deliciously refreshing. Talk about a summer treat! And no cooking whatsoever. Do not hesitate to serve it to company. Corn and avocados They are natural partners,…
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Black Bean Burritos Recipe with all Fixin’s

My burritos are in my Dairy-Free Cookbook. I whip up my black bean burritos recipe, my BBB as I call it, whenever company is coming on short notice. If I don’t have the burritos or corn tortillas on hand, I simply put the filling in a bowl,…