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Cherry Clafoutis Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly

Clafoutis is a delightfully rustic baked French fruit dessert It is traditionally made with berries or cherries, but often made with apples as well, arranged in a tart pan and covered with a thick flan-like batter. My clafoutis is a winner:…
cold fruit soup
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Cold Fruit Soup Recipe. Gluten-Free

Cold fruit soup is an exuberant celebration of summer. You will love the ruby color and tart flavors of red fruit. Cold Fruit Soup is equally at home as a soup or a dessert. Even in the heart of summer, I make this cold fruit soup with…
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Hot Pepper Jelly Recipe. With Berry Variation

Did you say Hot Pepper Jelly? Huh? Hot jam? What's wrong with these people? What next? Seriously: Hot Pepper Jelly is fabulous! This jam lover experiments with absolutely all jam and preserves possibilities. This recipe is the result…
Apple Crumb Pie
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
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Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Recipe

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries is hardly a recipe: Just a wonderful gift from yourself to yourself and a few dear friends, deliverable at the drop of a hat. Luxurious, and gluten-free without even trying. Everyone loves chocolate dipped…
Cornmeal Yogurt Blueberry Pancakes
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Cornmeal Yogurt Blueberry Pancakes

These blueberry pancakes have all the appeal of latkas, without the frying. This being Chanukkah, I trust we have plenty of chances to eat more than our fair shares of latkas: You will love my latkas recipe, complete with all tips on frying…
berry trifle
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Bread Berry Trifle Recipe. Gluten-Free Friendly

 Berry trifle is also called summer pudding. Mine is a healthy spin on the British Dessert favorite. I think you will be berry-ed out after this recipe. Or will you? Never enough berries! Traditional berry trifle, like most trifles, includes…
Fruit salad
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Fruit Salad Recipes. All Variations

Fruit Salad Please do not find me too finicky if I tell you I treat all salads, whether fruit salad or vegetable ones, just the same way I would a flower assortment. I always look for a short and sweet selection of colors and textures, never…
blueberry scones
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Blueberry Scones Recipe

Blueberry scones and all scones are wonderful! Whipped up in minutes and full of flavor. I make them with spelt, my grain of choice for baking absolutely everything, but you will find them totally adaptable to Gluten-Free. You will easily find…
berry kanten
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Berry Kanten Recipe: Jell-o of Champions

Berry Kanten Recipe: Consider kanten the Jell-O of champions. You can make it with any kind of fruit and juice, or tea. Take a look at my Lychee Kanten Recipe. Kuzu, the starch of the kuzu plant, is a great natural thickener, and is…
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Parfait Recipe with Ricotta and Berries. Gluten-Free

Parfait with Ricotta and Berries This is a great showcase for the cook: Traditionally, it is a cold dessert made of layers of fruit, syrup, ice cream and whipped cream. Like a tiny trifle in a cup. There are many takes on the classic, all…
strawberry rhubarb sauce
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Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce Recipe

This strawberry rhubarb sauce is thick and dense, a self-contained dessert, more like a new-age jell-o (whatever you do, don't call it that! Just sayin'!) Dare I share the name we give this delightful strawberry Rhubarb sauce in my house?…