Great Tips on Working with Fillo Dough
I'll make a Fillo dough pro out of you. Stick with me!
The good news is, fillo dough is wonderfully versatile, melt-in-your-mouth delicious and wonderfully crunchy. We Moroccans and other Mediterranean food lovers and beyond couldn't be without…

Baked in the White House and Glazed with Antisemitism
Antisemitism near and around High Places: Shame on you!
Photo Courtesy georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov
My Note to Former White House Pastry Chef Roland Mesnier
Sharing with you a note I sent to Retired 26-year Veteran (five Presidencies)…

Un-MET Special Diet Needs: Day at the Museum
Special Diet Needs: Yikes!
The following story concerns (not) accommodating all people with special diet needs, and as importantly, is about customer service. The following thread, with the added compelling New Yorker Magazine cartoon above,…

School Lunch: Dearest Little Musia, You’ve Got Mail!
A few months ago, my granddaughter Musia sent a letter to the Mayor's Office, pouring her heart out about the deplorable state of the School Lunch Programs, and sent her letter with a petition signed by all the girls in her school. Her idea…

Isabella Freedman Retreat. A Wonderful World in NYC’s Backyard
Enjoy the pictures https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.566167356768468.1073741832.213383695380171&type=1
Several friends had been telling me about the Isabella Freedman Retreat, at the border of Connecticut and the Berkshires (hence…

Kosher Food and Wine Experience KFWE 2013
Kosher Food and Wine Experience
The perfect foodie dream: All your favorite Kosher Food and wine, with many new exciting Kosher Food additions each year, are displayed…

Kids Food: Will They Eat THIS? You Bet! Recipes We Can ALL Share.
The perennial kids food question: "Will my kids like This?" So, the answer is yes yes yes!
And not only for sweets, but for dinner as well, as you will see in a moment. This baby is among my youngest fans (what? do I have even younger ones?…

Our Trip to Jerusalem Before the Snow: Restaurants and Beyond
Trip to Jerusalem with our tour guide, Gidi Kelman, and his beautiful family
Enjoy the pictures! http://on.fb.me/1oxZg0B
We came back exhausted but delighted from our trip to Jerusalem, the last three days of sleet, hail, diluvial rains…