
My Demo at De Gustibus Last Week!
De Gustibus: Pleasure seeing your crew and cooking with you again!
An All-Moroccan Feast: Yum! As delicious as it was easy, and of course all natural, all excerpted from my new cookbook, The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen: Judge for yourself from…

Taking my Cooking Demo Show on the Road!
You might say I have given My Cooking Demo Shows all my life.
In New York as well as around the country and beyond. Giving a Cooking Demo in a room full of fans is in my blood. You might say I am the Cooking Demo Girl. No matter what the Cooking…

A Date at Wolf and Lamb Restaurant
My first time at Wolf and Lamb: So much fun!
I am guilty, in my typical reverse-chic way, when it comes to serious dining out, of hardly ever considering any of the midtown New York restaurants, preferring the more intriguing adventure of…

More Good Chocolate, Mom, Please!
Good Chocolate or No Chocolate!
Recently I mentioned to my daughter Bella I was going to Montreal soon for a demo, and she said with great urgency: "Mommy, whatever you do, make sure you go back to the store where we had those heavenly good…

Kosherfest 2011! My Review
Kosherfest 2011: What fun!
Would it make me sound like a dinosaur if I said I remember early Kosherfest shows taking place, ages ago, with flocks of young mothers pushing strollers and turning the show into a giant lunch break in an industrial…

Nobo Teaneck Tasting Menu Do not Order: Trust Chef Josh!
Our last Nobo Teaneck Tasting Menu was amazing! Once in a while when I know the restaurant is great, and the chef perfectly knowledgeable and perfectly at home with his creations, I call the restaurant and tell the chef, make us what you like.…

Have Fun Shopping in a Heimish Store
A trip to the suburbs always includes a trip to a Heimish Store.
Make no mistake, some of those affectionately called Heimish store are the size of a small ball park.
We New Yorkers shop mostly local, and sometime the bill kills. For the…

Eating Out: Good Example of Bad Service
Nothing like Bad Service to put a damper on a date.
See the tuna in the picture? That's what my order most decidedly didn't look like! This is My Seared Tuna, thank you very much!
The other day I and a couple ladies I was meeting to discuss…

Cheese Cheese Cheese. Natural and Kosher
I'm a cheese fiend, all resolutions for restraint notwithstanding.
This morning I received a message from Chani Vogel, who with her husband Moshe manage Kosher and Natural Cheeses, requesting I sample some of the cheese products from their…

Welcome to our Venus and Mars Home!
Venus and Mars are not just planets, they are often the distance that measure the distance between a man's and a woman's reasoning.
I came home late one recent evening, and found my husband uncharacteristically agitated. “I just put out…

Have Tea Mug, Will Travel!
Recently I bought myself a great overnight bag, and decided my spiffy and capacious new purchase would be the bag to end all bags: I would give away all others, but I decided to check into all the pockets first, to make sure nothing valuable…

Our Passover Vacation: Honeymoon at the Fairmont Scottsdale
Lynda and I at a Wild West BBQ at the Fairmont
In nearly thirty five years we have been married (that's right, my marriage predates my electronic Facebook marriage announcement by about thirty-three years, but thank you all anyway for your…