
Ask Levana: Spices and Kosher Supervision

Here is a question I received from Sara M: Lévana, do spices need a hechsher in order to be considered Kosher? Answer: When spices are pure, meaning unblended, they need no Kosher supervision. They do need one when they are mixed, as in…

Hope, Utopia, and Friendship in a Crowded Market

This is a must see! It is an opera performance in one of the most unlikely of places. On a day like any other, workers at Spanish food market break out in to song. A great demonstration of hope, utopia and friendship! Even if you do not understand…

Demo Menus

Shabbos Dishes

Health salad Cholent Poached salmon Roast chicken Kugel Carrot Cake

Cold Shabbos Meal

Chicken Cutlets London Broil The perfect Rice Salad Mixed Drinks Pecan Brownies

Cooking For Beginners Series

Salad pasta fish grilled vegetables ice coffee ice tea lemonade brownies. Chicken cutlets London broil rice salad mixed drinks cookies. Heath salad cholent poached salmon roast chicken …


chicken tajine
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Chicken Tajine with Almonds and Prunes Recipe

Chicken Tajine, and all tajines, remain my favorite food and my favorite mode of cooking: on a stovetop. Synonymous with Succulent. No wonder I  love Moroccan food! A friendly warning: You will never be able to speak disparagingly about the…