Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Salad Recipe
Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Salad
The perfect hearty winter salad, easily tweaked into main course with a few simple additions, and starring a few distinguished members of the cabbage family.
The humble cauliflower has moved up in the word!

French Choucroute Garnie Recipe. Gluten-Free
It is the national sauerkraut-centered Alsatian dish, a huge favorite in bistros and at tables devoted to traditional European Cuisine. As rustic and autumnal as food comes. It straddles French and German Cuisine frontiers,…

Gluten-Free Savory Muffins Recipe. All Variations
My gluten-free savory muffins are my special gift:
When my grandson became allergic to gluten, I watched with great sadness as he went from eating bread, his favorite food, all day long, to having it yanked off his hands as "booboo bread".…

French Herb White Bean Soup Recipe
Herb White Bean Soup
I am mighty proud of my creation! A rustic, low-cost and low-maintenance feast, and a meal in itself. Straight from my latest Cookbook, The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen.
Since so many of my recipes are …