Chicken Tajine with Swiss Chard and Fennel Recipe
Chicken Tajine
The wonderful thing about Moroccan Cooking and all tajines is, there's never any talk about side dishes. It's all aboard in a pot! We cook everything together. So it is no wonder we eat our veggies. The results are a fabulous…

Potato Pie Recipe. Chicken Variation
Moroccan Potato Pie
This is a great favorite in our Moroccan cuisine. This rustic dish (called Amhammar in Arabic) is a good example of how we make something rich (eggs) or starchy (potatoes) go a long way. Consider it an eggy cousin of…

Chicken Tajine with Haricots Verts. Beef Variation
Moroccan Chicken Tajine with Haricots Verts:
The demure string bean gets elevated to star status in our Moroccan way of cooking. Side dish? Never heard of it! All aboard in a tajine! Is it any wonder we Sephardis and all Moroccans love our…

Bean Soup Moroccan Style Recipe
Moroccan Bean Soup:
Another delicious all-vegetarian and inexpensive Moroccan soup.
You'll be happy to have preserved lemons on hand.
They do wonders for bean and many other dishes. And if you don't, settle today for lemon zest, and set…

Moroccan Tomato Salad Recipe. Salsa Variation
Moroccan Tomato Salad is a staple in our diet.
We Moroccans cook tomatoes, sun-dry tomatoes, pickle tomatoes, candy tomatoes, we prepare tomatoes in every way possible. Moroccan Tomato Salad is our answer to Salsa. In Mediterranean climates,…

Moroccan Eggplant Salad Recipe
Eggplant Salad
Eggplant is a huge favorite in our Sephardi Cooking. We prepare eggplant in dozens of ways, even for dessert! This dish is all roasted, so it is pretty streamlined, and pretty lean. Anything not to have to fry eggplant:…

Ratatouille Recipe. French Style, and Moroccan Style
Ratatouille is not just the delightful movie!
I don't think Julia Child would object to a little tweaking of the French Classic Ratatouille, taken in a Moroccan direction. Besides, all things Eggplant are a huge favorite in North African and…