beet salad

Beet Salad with all the Fixin’s Recipe

Beet Salad with All the Fixins’

swiss chard beet salad


Everyone celebrate autumn (okay, winter) in the way that makes them most happy, cozy and comfortable. Since we are huge salad eaters at home, our seasonal celebrations most often gravitate around the food that best express the seasons. So beet salad in every shape and form is a great showcase! Beets, red apple, red grapefruit, red cabbage? With a fruity cranberry dressing and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses? Mmmmmm…..

Calling All Beet Lovers!

Beet recipes

In this link you will find some beet recipes that just can’t be beat, both sweet ands savory

You will find my Beet Salad Quite Versatile!

Radicchio beet salad

Let me start by saying I am thrilled for the brave little beet. We grew up eating beets everyday, but in America they were scorned and all but ignored, scoring points mostly for their help with our, hmmm, regularity. More power to the humble root that recently moved from wallflower to rock star status. Now we regularly enjoy it, cooked or raw, in risotto, cake, latkas, smoothies, soups, And of course, in salads.

Beets can be somewhat high maintenance

I’m pointing this out in our, the consumers’, defense. The prolonged cooking they necessitate can really be a deterrent. But the good news is, we can now easily find perfect, peeled, roasted and vacuum-packed beets, which makes them a snap to use!

I will share the basic beet salad I started out with, and list all the variations, including main course. It has no green salad leaves, and therefore it is sturdy and perfect even the next couple days.



  • 1 pound bag vacuum packed beets, diced
  • 1 red grapefruit, peeled, all white pith removed, and diced (do this right in the bowl, so as not to loose the precious juice)
  • 1 red apple, unpeeled, diced small
  • 1 rib celery, peeled and sliced very thin
  • 1 small shallot, minced
  • 1/3 cup packed mixed minced herbs: Mint and parsley are my favorite


1/3 cup cranberry or raspberry dressing

Drizzle of pomegranate molasses, optional


Place all the salad ingredients in a bowl. Toss with the dressing. Drizzle with pomegranate molasses if desired.

Beet Salad Variations

Make it a larger salad, even a main course, by adding one or two of the following:

  • Add half a small head red cabbage, or a small head radicchio, sliced very thin (use the food processor). In this case bring the dressing up to 1/2 cup
  • Throw in 3 tablespoons roasted seeds or chopped nuts (I love pumpkin seeds or pistachios in this salad)
  • Use other fruit than apple and grapefruit, such as plum or nectarine.
  • Throw in 1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins
  • Throw in 1/2 cooked or roasted chickpeas
  • Throw in 1/2 cup diced kashkaval or feta
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