
Welcome to our Venus and Mars Home!

Venus and Mars are not just planets, they are often the distance that measure the distance between a man's and a woman's reasoning. I came home late one recent evening, and found my husband uncharacteristically agitated. “I just put out…

Have Tea Mug, Will Travel!

Recently I bought myself a great overnight bag, and decided my spiffy and capacious new purchase would be the  bag to end all bags: I would give away all others, but I decided to check into all the pockets first, to make sure nothing valuable…

Our Passover Vacation: Honeymoon at the Fairmont Scottsdale

 Lynda and I at a Wild West BBQ at the Fairmont In nearly thirty five years we have been married (that's right, my marriage predates my electronic Facebook marriage announcement by about thirty-three years, but thank you all anyway for your…

Truffle Oil: The Dark Side of Labeling

This bottle of "Truffle Oil" was part of a gorgeous Mishloach Manot/birthday present basket I received from my daughter Bella. Reading the ingredient list created an uproar among my guests. Not a single drop of truffle oil. Intrigued, I looked…

Kitchen Hammer…

Kitchen Hammer   If I had a kitchen hammer, I would eat my Veggies More Often! In answer to the very frequent question: "how did you get the idea to use a hammer in the kitchen?" You may find the use of a hammer in the kitchen…

Learning to Cook with a Sephardi Mother

My Sephardi Mother is the original master. I am always asked whether I have received formal cooking training, and the answer – Machane Imma: I learned mostly from my mother - at first seems somewhat ambiguous, until I introduce her in earnest:…

Kitchen Talk With Chef Lévana Kirschenbaum

Great story about my demos by Elizabeth Alpern in the Jew and the Carrot “If I catch one of you putting garlic powder in your soup…oy va voy…I’ll sue you”. On a recent Monday evening, Moroccan born Chef Lévana Kirschenbaum…
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In Search of the Perfect Schnitzel Recipe

Schnitzel Schnitzel often doesn't love us back: Too many diners complain that they love it but are disappointed that they get so easily dried out. My daughter-in-law Ruthie makes the best schnitzel but always keeps insisting she does…

New York Beggar, Three Ways

Growing up in Morocco, each family had their own "beggar" they looked after. Our beggar, a courteous middle-aged man dressed poorly but with elaborate dignity, would sit silently on our steps every Thursday night, waiting for my mother to …

The Kosher Food and Wine Experience: A Remarkable Journey

Still enjoying the glow of last night's Kosher Food and Wine Experience. Recently I had been trying to firm up a kosher supervision for retail use of Dashi powder. In my catering days I used to order it from Daniel Berlin at Sushi Metsuyan,…