Our Health Breakfast: Enjoy our pictures!
- Israeli-salad-tehina-zaatar-dressing
- overnight-oats-greek-yogurt-levanacooks
- infused-waters-levanacooks
- homemade-cold-brew-levanacooks
- Cheese-babka-levanacooks
My Health Breakfast for four was a real smash hit this week.
It was supremely healthy even as it was delicious and fun. And easy. Perfect for these dog days, as we needed minimal and brief cooking. My granddaughter was spending a couple days with me, and I treated her to a health breakfast followed by boating in Central Park, with two dear friends who happened to be huge fans of hers. It is always great fun to come up with a menu that pleases people of all ages! and as importantly, it makes me very proud to be the bubbie of grandchildren who all eat healthy food
The perfect Cold Summer Health Breakfast!
All right. Full disclosure about cheese babka. When I cannot get around to making my own babka, I ignore all commercial-babka wars (have you noticed that everyone is called The Best Babka In New York City? Come on Guys! Get real!) and I settle happily for just one brand commercial babka: BabkaliciousByLana: Heavenly!
Infused waters are the best, most delicious and most refreshing zero-calorie treats.
Homemade cold brew: Now that I am sharing my cold Brew Bag Discovery with you, you will be delighted to see nothing comes close to the homemade cold brew, made with cold brew bags
Here is my health breakfast menu, with all recipes and links